Thursday, February 15, 2007


I hate cars. Some guys are car guys. You know the type they talk about engines and spew forth technical stuff like lava from a Hawaiian volcano. Not me, I look at an engine and say "Yep that's the thing that makes it go vroom-vroom and honk honk. Hope it's all working right!" It's not that knowing about or liking a car is bad in my opinion, it's just that I don't like working on cars and really have no drive to learn how to go about working on cars. In fact I hate working on cars. I know that I can spew techno jargon with the best of them when it comes to computers or guitar stuff or even some science and biology and fishing related stuff so it's not that I think it's bad to do this, I just hate being made to feel less manly/dumb or something like that. It's kinda stupid to base feeling manly on what others think, I know that but there is always that look that you get, when you are a man and you say that I know very little about cars and I hate that look. It's somewhere in between pity and contempt. Like, "aww look at the wussy moron who doesn't know what every man should be born with". This isn't aimed at anyone in particular and probably is more a result of my frustration about not knowing how to fix the damn thing. Also to anyone I may have made feel dumb about computer stuff, please forgive me as it was not my intention. Unless you really are dumb( you know who you are, well at least I hope you do ), in that case carry on and forget I just typed that.

Cars themselves are evil. I mean I know that they are a great advance for human society and blah, blah blah.... That doesn't change the fact that for the most part they can drain the life from you. You pay a extraordinary price for them. You pull it off the lot and it's worth a faction of the money you just payed for it. Next you have constantly pay more money just to keep the damn thing doing what it is you bought it to do. Then come the repairs, more money and time and frustration to fix any one of the hundreds of parts that could be bad on the damn thing. All just to do what it is you bought to do. Buying used can be just bad. Has been in wreck? Of course not, that frame isn't bent it just got a bit of a gansta lean built in for you. The day when I can no longer own a car and still get around is the day I'll be a much happier man. I know public transpiration is a pain sometimes but I've done both and I'd rather have the bus and subway please. Even during rush hour!? Yep, I have certainly changed alot lately.

Moral of this mini-rant: cars = the devil or cars = bad, very very bad, if you happen to not believe in make believe little red scaly men with tails and horns. And pitchforks, the little devil on my shoulder reminds me. Thanks little guy.

This post brought to you by a left front tire that will not stay inflated and several gas stations that have broken air compressors and very little signs saying that they are broken, all on a cold morning.