Sunday, February 13, 2005

House Buying Sucks

Buying a house sucks, more later...

I hate the whole going through a realtor setup. It takes days just for the littlest thing to go from buyer to seller and back again. But really this is just me liking the buying process for say guitars better. I go into a store look for the one I want. I play and test it out. If I like it then I talk directly to the seller about the price. Even buying a car is a better experience IMHO.

The biggest issue I have is that people want a palace price for a hut value. I mean really. Some the houses we have viewed for $100,000 and over were absolute dumps for the money wanted. Magnolia, Ohio is not exactly a high rent area either. Damn I sound like I'm getting old and cheap. I don't mind paying for something but I want it to be at least nice if I do. blah enough ranting for now...

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